In 2000, Lindsborg decided to cast the traditional Dala shape in large fiberglass forms – an idea patterned after Chicago’s cows on Michigan avenue. Local people and folks with Lindsborg connections sponsor each Wild Dala. Each is unconventionally decorated by one on the towns many local artists. Each new horse is feted in a public unveiling party complete with street theater and parody songs sung by the crowd. On many Saturdays during good weather, open-air tours of the Wild Dala Horses are available. Plus, new Wild Dalas are still being rounded up.
As you’ll see, the Wild Dala Horses celebrate contemporary Lindsborg – its history, Swedish-Americana, the arts, everyday work and life, local groups and families, and of course, wordplay. (If you think of a new pun about the herd, please let us know.)
Wild Dala Herd