(620) 241-6559
Residential & Commercial solid waste is billed through the City and is contracted with the McPherson Area Solid Waste Utility (MASWU). The mandatory service is used for all properties. Residential polycart curb site pickup is scheduled on Mondays with the exception of holidays. Polycarts should be placed at the curb by 6 a.m.
View Refuse Service & Polycart Information
Waste may also be dropped off a the McPherson Area Solid Waste Utility Transfer Station (trash, recycling and large items) located at 1431 17th Ave., McPherson.
To rent permanent/temporary dumpsters or bins including construction or demolition debris contact MASWU customer service at (620) 241-6559.
Household cleaning products, paint/finishing products, garden/pest control products, automotive products can be taken to McPherson Area Solid Waste Utility Hazardous Waste located at 1431 Pueblo Rd., McPherson from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Thursdays only.