988 Hotline is a resource in the New Year

The holidays are known as the “Hap-happiest time of the year,” but for many, they can be the hardest. As the new year starts, mental health is a topic that should be discussed, and there is a resource that is often overlooked.

9-1-1 dispatchers must answer every call that comes in, but 60% of calls are requests for information, nonemergency police calls, or mental health issues that would be better served by calling the local crisis line. The 9-8-8 Lifeline is available 24/7 for those facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug use concerns, or who just need someone to talk to. Caring, trained counselors are available to talk. You can even text or chat online with a counselor, as well. Conversations are free and confidential.

In 2023*, McPherson County had calls that were coded:

  • 52 - Mental Disorder (behavioral problems)
  • 107 - Threatening Suicide/Attempted Suicide
  • 41 - Overdose/Poisoning (mostly drug ODs)
  • 21 - Psychiatric/Abnormal Behavior/Suicide Attempt

The National Suicide Hotline Designation Act, signed into law after the passage of bipartisan legislation in 2020, authorized 988 as a new three-digit number for suicide and mental health crisis. All telephone service and text providers in the U.S. and the five major U.S. territories were required by the federal government to activate 988 by July 2022. This was a culmination of a three-year joint effort by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to put crisis care more in reach for people in need and became an accelerated priority after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The U.S. had one death by suicide every 11 minutes in 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Suicide was the second leading cause of death for young people aged 10-14 and 25-34. From April 2020 to 2021, more than 100,000 people died from drug overdoses. Studies have shown that after speaking with a trained crisis counselor, most Lifeline callers are significantly more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful.

As always, the Lindsborg Police Department and our officers are here for you, as well. Never hesitate to call 911 if you need help or someone to talk to. Both 988 and 911 are resources to help address the needs in our community.

*2024 data was not available at press time

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