Snow removal 101: What you need to know

Winter has arrived in the form of significant snowfall and plummeting temps. Now is a good time to review policies for snow removal. With significant snowfall, below are the policies for when the city will act, emergency routes and downtown snow removal. If at all possible, not parking vehicles on the street will assist city crews in clearing streets quicker. 

When does the city begin clearing snow?

  • If the correct conditions are met with the forecast, city crews will be out pretreating the streets with brine solution before the snow falls. 
  • If the forecast for snow is two inches or less, no plowing will be done. If necessary, sanding will begin when the snow has finished.
  • If the forecast for snow is two to four inches, plowing will begin when the snow has finished.
  • If the forecast for snow is greater than four inches, plowing will begin at the three-inch depth and continue as needed.
  • If two inches of sleet fall, plowing will begin.

The following streets are the Emergency Snow Removal Routes for Lindsborg. These receive top priority, are cleaned first and will be maintained more frequently during significant snow events.

  • Main St. from Sheridan St. to K-4
  • Harrison/Cole from Swensson St. to K-4
  • K-4 from Harrison/Cole to Coronado Ave.
  • Lincoln St. from Harrison/Cole to Coronado Ave.

 Following Emergency Routes, areas to and around the following locations will be cleared.

  • Hospital
  • Downtown
  • High School Area (depending on the time of day it snows)
  • Bethany Home properties
  • Soderstrom Elementary (depending on the time of day it snows)
  • Bethany College
  • Then all remaining north and south streets
  • Then all remaining east and west streets

 Downtown snow removal is required within 12 hours of the end of the event.

  • When cleaning snow from sidewalks, it is best to pile what you can around the trees. Any excess snow should be piled in an open area that provides at least 8 feet of clearance.
  • Snow blowers may blow snow into the street only if the sidewalks are cleared prior to the downtown area being bladed.
  • Following heavy snow, crews will only blade the downtown area one time so that we can concentrate on the residential areas.
  • Downtown area snow will be bladed to the center of the street. Removal depends on traffic conditions. Light traffic will allow us to remove the snow during the day. If heavy traffic is observed, we will schedule snow removal for either late night or early morning hours.

 Removal of snow for residential sidewalks:

  • City code requires any owner and/or the occupant of any lots abutting upon any sidewalks to remove any accumulated snow or ice within 12 hours from the time the event ends. If the event ends during the nighttime, removal must be made within 12 hours after sunrise on the following day.

City crews make plans on how to handle snow events based on forecasts. We are all aware of how hit-and-miss a weather forecast can be. It seems like there are times that significant snow is forecast, and we receive little to none. There are other times when a dusting is called for and we receive several inches. Crews do their best to prepare for what is forecast and looks most likely, but in the end, they must simply react to what mother nature delivers.

Please be safe during these winter storms, safety for staff and residents is the top priority. 

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