Electric Service

Consumer Information

Electricity is supplied to the city through a contract with Western Resources as well as supplemental hydroelectric power from the Western Area Power Authority that will provide power to the city to offset high demand periods. The city provides 7200 and 12,460 primary voltage distribution within the city limits on the municipally owned distribution system. The rural area surrounding Lindsborg is served by DS&O Electric Cooperative.

Electric Rates

The rates for residential, business, commercial and industrial customers are $15.00 base charge, plus .1016 cents per kWh. The cost for customers consuming 750 kWh of electricity would be $91.20 ($15.00 plus 750 kWh x 0.1016) per month. The minimum monthly charge is $15.00.

Utility Service Contact Information: City Hall • 101 S Main • (785) 227-3355 

Electric  Base Charge  per kWh 
Business $15.00 + $0.1016
Commercial $15.00 + $0.1016
Industrial $15.00 + $0.1016
Residential* $15.00 + $0.1016